When I was just a little feller, I knew of GOD but I didn’t know HIM.  I won’t get into my testimony but I wanted to share what the HOLY SPIRIT means to me in this life.

1. I had to become aware of HIM and that HE wants to help. I can’t express enough at this point to any who might read this that. you must come to a saving knowledge of CHRIST JESUS. (If you would like contact me and I will tell you how.)

2. I had to learn to walk under the control of the SPIRIT of GOD. That it is not myself I am concerned with but being concerned with the “will of GOD in my life.”

3.  I needed to listen to the SPIRIT speaking through GOD’s WORD, weather it be in scripture or Preached… I came to realize that HE wasn’t going to write it in the clouds. HE had already written HIS WORD in scripture and manifest HIS WORD in CHRIST JESUS.

4. I needed to ask the HOLY SPIRIT to help me in every part of my life. In the book of Romans it is written in chapter 8 14 For as many as are led by the SPIRIT of GOD, they are the sons of GOD. 15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the SPIRIT of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The SPIRIT itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of GOD:…

Technology has allowed people to not come along side those in need of help. To be physically with some one when you are needed, sends a message much stronger than any text, phone call or email can do.  I have learned by “listening” to go and be what ever help I can be. The HOLY SPIRIT, CHRIST JESUS is just that kind of friend… HE is in me and beside me always and I thank HIM for that. I have a friend and so do you whether you know it or not. It is my prayer if you don’t know The LORD, that you ask HIM today while it is still called today to come into your life as HE has mine. Trust in the LORD and become whole in HIM.